Druid: Circle of Natural Bond [V2.3] [Set 1]

Stage of testing: Ready for play-testing [V2.3]

This druid was my very first home-brew, even before I decided to do home-brewing! First shown online in December/Early January. Its origins come form a combination of my Beast-Master Ranger changes and the druid in my games desire to have an animal companion (That ended up being a bear that wore a pink tutu.....players man, I tell yah!). This has seen some work shopping online, and the balance seems correct; if it is played with an unchanged Beast Master Ranger though it is unbalanced as it out powers them. Why is that? In my house rules, and in this archetype, we can see that commanding a pet takes a bonus action. This allows for smoother action economy and brings the ranger on par with other classes. Several of the druid spells require a bonus action to do things, so it does lead to some tough choices. The druid can play as a front line class, supporting their companion and their allies. Or they can sit back and cast spells and support in that manner. I have added a damage cantrip that compliments a front-line style of play, granting a booming blade come hunters mark effect to make up for no extra attack for druids. I have also given these druids a monk style unarmoured ability to help support their front line efforts, which uses one of their two Wild Shape uses. It also only lasts until they wild shape or complete a short or long rest, so that it can't be abused by assuming the natures Armour form then short resting to get more charges. This way as well it doesn't allow for it to effect animal forms. Ii could see this Druid working really well with a monk or nature cleric dip, could lead to a melee sort of druid which was the main idea I had when making this.

But what are your thoughts? I would love to see what you folks in internet land think of this brew, and, if any one plays it, please let me know! It is the most rewarding thing as a content creator to know people actually use your content!

Goodbye for now,

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