Fighter: The Bastion [V2.3] [Set 1]

Stage of testing: Ready for play-testing [V2.3]

The Fighter, probably the class that has given me the most problems. I currently have 2 other archetypes sat partially done, but in need of serious balancing. One based around riding monsters as mounts, and one based around adopting a fighting style (rage like effect). I ended up working the most on this one as a friend wished to play a shield focused fighter. It borrows elements from Battle Master Fighters but also gains some other effects. Its 6th level ability is some great flavour, showing a shield and armour expert. A lot of it's ability show the defencive aspects of the build, as well as shield based utility. Two of the key abilities also allow it to use Strength instead of Dexterity on saves, and to give up attacks for more reactions. I love the feel of the class. The balance seems at a good point, but it will need to see play testing before I know for sure!!

 But what are your thoughts? I would love to see what you folks in internet land think of this brew, and, if any one plays it, please let me know! It is the most rewarding thing as a content creator to know people actually use your content!

Goodbye for now,

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