Rogue: The Bounty Hunter [V3.1] [Set 1]

Stage of testing: Play-testing [V3.1]

This was a lot of fun to make. When I was thinking up ideas for rogues, I wanted to make something like an assassin, but very different. Whilst assassins are specially trained silent killers, I wanted something that would be seen in major cities. At the time as well my party were working on a few bounties, and I was playing a Bounty hunter in Star Wars the Old Republic (wow, longest game name ever!), so I guess the ideas just came together. This class gains benefit with slings, blowguns and nets; Three weapons I never see used, they also gain the ability to sneak with one handed bludgeoning weapons, so they can take their foes alive if needed. At later level the vibe continues of the star wars style bounty hunter by gaining an arsenal of special weapons they can use. To follow the Bounty Hunter flavour, they also gain bonuses to hunting a target and to increasing the value of bounties. This finally caps out with a reputation so large, that they can cause fear in their marked target.
This class has seen a lot of balancing, and I am pretty happy with where it is at. Currently I know of one person playing the class, but they only just started their game, so no updates on how it actually performs!

But what are your thoughts? I would love to see what you folks in internet land think of this brew, and, if any one plays it, please let me know! It is the most rewarding thing as a content creator to know people actually use your content!

Goodbye for now,

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