Sorcerer: The Rift Blade [V2.1] [Set 1]

Stage of testing: Ready for play-testing [V2.1]

The sorcerer was a lot of fun to make, though took me awhile to get rolling. My original concept was a Sorcerer that replaced arcane spells with the cleric divine list, but it began to get too complicated. So instead I looked at the magus form pathfinder, and wondered how i could implement it here. So I came up with an idea that used weapon attacks to deliver spells, and could teleport short distances. I am rather happy with this archetype, and feel it adds something new to sorcerers as a whole. I may alter the wording to require it to be a sorcerer spell that can be focused through the weapon. I also love the rift walk. Although it doesn't prevent AoO's form movement, it does add some flexibility in how you move. I am yet to play test this, and it could do with more balancing and tuning, but over all I am happy with the outcome. I feel it captures the essence of a Pathfinder Magus without flat out copying it, and a new style of play for Sorcerers, gives Gish players another option besides Sorcerer dip Paladin and Wizard Blade Singers.
Also, I changed its name from Arcane Blade to Rift Blade, so if you spot any where with the old name please let me know so i can fix it!

But what are your thoughts? I would love to see what you folks in internet land think of this brew, and, if any one plays it, please let me know! It is the most rewarding thing as a content creator to know people actually use your content!

Goodbye for now,



Spellblade: Changed the wording so that you don’t deal weapon damage until 5th level, but add your attack stat to spell damage.
Improved Spell blade: Re-worded to make it clearer you use an action to perform a single attack.

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